Women Don’t Have to Accept It

Just a reminder to women out there, if egalitarian 50/50 feminist ideals are not what you feel in your heart, then reject these notions. You don’t have to just accept it or go along with it. Even if your relatives push you into feminist lifestyles and push you to be independent, ignore it. It is oftentimes only later in life anyway that you find out how little your own relatives truly care about you, and that they are oftentimes only interested in controlling you. They will believe you responsible for your own welfare in any case, so do what you feel is right in your heart. Embrace the feminine notions of meekness, submissiveness, and dependency if that is in your heart. And when you love a man, choose him over your relatives as he is to be the one to provide for you, protect you, and lead you. If it comes down to a choice between either your relatives and their wishes or those of your husband/soon-to-be husband, then reject the wishes and advice of your relatives- even if it means taking the drastic step of cutting them out of your life entirely.

And for women who come across men with egalitarian/feminist/MRA mindsets (as all three are typically one and the same), just remember, you are under no obligation to accept these men. You don’t have to be with them nor give them your love, body, or time. You have every right to say no and reject men who deny that it is their duty to provide, protect, and lead.   

2 thoughts on “Women Don’t Have to Accept It

    1. True, but a woman like she describes, if you could be certain that she was indeed like that, would be truly worth taking the risk of marriage. I think that she tends to conflate MRA with the manosphere, which is understandable from the outside as there is a lot of variation in the latter. But within that community, there is a subset of traditionalist men of the sort would love the sort of woman she dedscribes who have simply checked out because of the psychological and legals risk of interacting with modern, feminism-influenced women. In fact, I think a lot of men in the manosphere are like this, though I wouldn’t venture at estimating a percentage.

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